President’s Message


A Message From Our President

JFA’s past Presidents include:

Joe B. Williams
Fritz Alexander
William Davis
yvonne lewis
Anthony Brandveen *
LaTia Martin
Ruth Shillingford
Erika Edwards

* Longest serving President.

Welcome to the Judicial Friends Association, Inc. (JFA),  

“We Are Stronger Together”

Now more than ever, Black attorneys and judges are needed to continue to act as strong leaders and role models in this country. I believe our calling is of the highest honor – which we are responsible to fulfill. I am humbled to serve as the President of JFA and appreciate the support of its members in answering that charge. My Presidency is based upon the axiom, “We Are Stronger Together”.

Historically, Black attorneys and judges have been inimitable in creating and leading movements that expand the rights of Black people and all underrepresented people across the nation and throughout the world. My goal as President of JFA is to provide the tools and guidance necessary to support our members and enable our organization to continue its rich legacy of advocacy in a modern era.

Because we are stronger together, we have successfully used technology to facilitate virtual meetings and events to include more members from outside of the New York City metropolitan area. This has enabled us to improve upon the network of relationships established by the founding members and recent past presidents of JFA. The impact of our collective voice was most recently displayed through JFA’s production of a detailed report to former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, who led an independent review of the New York State court system’s efforts to combat institutional racism. We identified and targeted specific areas of concern and provided meaningful, detailed recommendations to combat institutional racism within the court system and beyond. We anticipate that many of our recommendations will not only be included in Secretary Johnson’s report to Chief Judge Janet DiFiore, but that our recommendations will be implemented by the court systems in New York and other states and result in positive change throughout the country.

Because we are stronger together, I will continue to advocate for the most thoughtful and deliberate inclusion of JFA’s priorities in the restructuring of the New York State Unified Court System. As the third branch of government, the judiciary cannot be isolated and indifferent to the needs of the citizenry it is required to impartially serve. Any effort to restructure the courts must fully contemplate and account for the needs of our communities. JFA is fully vested in advocating for nothing less.

Because we are stronger together, I will ensure a path for JFA’s continued support of businesses in our communities and demonstrate our appreciation for healthcare workers on the front lines. Our philanthropic collaboration with various community organizations resulted in assisting minority-owned restaurants while providing meals to healthcare workers in Brooklyn and Harlem during the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

I look forward to upholding the high standards set in place by our founders and encourage new members to jump in and join us – there is much work to be done! Thank you for your confidence and I look forward to working with all of you.

We Are Stronger Together!


Hon. Erika Edwards, J.S.C.

Erika Edwards,


JFA’s past Presidents include:

Joe B. Williams
Fritz Alexander
William Davis
yvonne lewis
Anthony Brandveen *
LaTia Martin
Ruth Shillingford
Erika Edwards

* Longest serving President.